Friday, August 17, 2012

Pop Shove-Its, Killer Kick-Flips and Airborn Ollies - Learn The Secrets of Skateboarding

Some beginner skateboarders get stuck on kick- flips and never get over the frustration. Others lose their boards mid way through pop shove-its. And then others launch low altitude ollies, which prevent them from soaring across gaps and over benches. Here are a few secrets to why these three tricks seem so hard to land.

We've all had boards fly out from underneath us during a pop shove-it. So, to keep the board underneath me, I try to jump slightly ahead or back depending upon the direction I am moving. This way I keep up with the board; we move together. It sounds simple but often it's the little things that nail us.

Beginner Trick Skateboard

Low flying ollies are very common among beginners. There's a lot of timing to the steps, but the most frequent cause of low ollies is not picking up your feet high enough. In fact you should really just practice popping the board and sucking your knees and feet up in the air. Don't worry so much about landing them at first. Go for height and the landings will follow. Think pop and suck. Pop and suck. No chanting please.

Pop Shove-Its, Killer Kick-Flips and Airborn Ollies - Learn The Secrets of Skateboarding

Ah, the kick-flip. Without it, we are forever stuck at beginner. But it's tough to learn, so stay with it. You will absolutely need to be able to ollie while rolling. Once you land it, you will be able to build on this trick. Basically, here's what I do: I pop the tail, slide my front foot up the board, flick my ankle out causing the board to flip. I stay over the board by sucking up my knees and feet and land with my feet on the bolts. To break it down, the first thing is to get the board flipping over. The next thing is to focus on staying over the board while it's flipping.

Skateboarding can be frustrating and I sure would have bailed if it wasn't so much fun. I am not always patient, but when I don't get too mad and am able to think through the trick, I usually succeed.

Pop Shove-Its, Killer Kick-Flips and Airborn Ollies - Learn The Secrets of Skateboarding

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