Sunday, August 12, 2012

Master Simple Skateboarding Tricks

You can learn to master simple skateboarding tricks with ease, once you know the basics of how the tricks are performed. It's only a matter of practicing as much as you can and before long, you'll be able to do them yourself without even thinking about it. Once you master the simple tricks, you're ready to move on to more difficult ones.


Beginner Trick Skateboard

First, let's take a closer look at the Ollie and what it would take to master this trick. Since an Ollie is mostly about your timing and balance, you should practice this first. You can learn how to get the right balance and the right timing by performing a stationary Ollie first, which means to do it without rolling.

Master Simple Skateboarding Tricks

Learning when to pull pop the tail of your board, when you should jump and when you need to pull your legs in is somewhat difficult but after some practice you'll learn how to do all three at the same time, which is how to perfect your Ollie. The hardest part is that you can't really slow down the Ollie or it won't work. With practice, you'll get it right, though.

Once you know how to perform a stationary Ollie, you can start trying to learn how to do them off sidewalks and other small jumps. After that, you'll learn how to hop back up those jumps while performing your Ollie.

Kick Flips

Now, let's learn a little about kick flips. The first thing you should keep in mind is that while a kick flip is a simple trick, it will still take quite a bit of time to master. Don't let that get you down. Just remember, everyone else took just as much time or more to learn it as you. Part of the fun lies in learning the tricks anyway.

A couple of other things to remember about doing a kick flip is to keep your shoulders squared with the board and don't flick your ankle out too hard or too far. If you remember these tips, then you'll have no problem finally learning how to do a kick flip.


The most important thing you should always remember about mastering any skateboarding trick is to be safe at all times, even after you learn the trick well. You should always wear your helmet and wear elbow and kneepads, too. You may not like how they look but once you fall and don't get hurt you will appreciate them.

So now you have some basic knowledge on how to master two of the simplest skateboarding tricks. Keep practicing and never get discouraged. Ask friends for help or watch other skaters perform. Eventually you will be the one that all the beginners are looking at for tips.

Master Simple Skateboarding Tricks

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