Monday, August 13, 2012

Skateboard Decks - Buying Tips

Choosing a skateboard deck can be a mind-boggling prospect. There are many parameters that need to be taken in to account when beginning the task of buying an inexpensive deck. When buying a skateboard deck you need to look at three main categories. These categories are the width of the deck, concave, and the look of the deck. Here is some basic information to get you started.

Width is one of the bigger aspects of buying a skateboard. The width of a board takes into account whether you are a novice or have been skating for a while as well as if you are going to use the board for tricks and how comfortable the skateboard feels to you. If you are a beginner or have poor stability, then a wider skateboard deck will help you keep your balance and help you feel more comfortable. If you are an advanced skateboarder, than a skinnier deck will most like suit you better. Do not feel like you should buy a thinner deck just because a pro-skateboarder has one. Many top skaters have skinnier decks. This is because they have been skating for a while and have good balance.

Beginner Trick Skateboard

Another choice and one that is based on your personal preference is the concave of the deck. Concave refers to the way that the board curves up at its edges, nose and tail. The level of concave depends on your skate style and what feels good to you. There are three levels of concave. Mellow concave on a skateboard deck is very shallow and almost flat. If you have a flat-footed skate style then this would work best for you. At the other end of the spectrum of concave is a steep deck. A steep concave can make you feel like your feet are really gripped to the board. If neither of these feels right for you there is a third choice. A medium concave deck draws from both ends to produce a perfect middle. When you go into a shop ask to try out the boards of different concaves to see what feels best to you.

Skateboard Decks - Buying Tips

Lastly, there is how you want your board deck to look like. You want your board to represent you. This is all about personal preference and what you feel looks right on a skateboard deck. There are many designs that are available from full board to partial, color, design, wording etc. You can browse several shops to find the right look. Many companies now have the option a designing your own graphic to put on the deck.

Many choices go into finding the best, cheapest, and just right skateboard deck for you. By remembering these tips and taking your time, you should be able to find the right skateboard deck that fits you.

Skateboard Decks - Buying Tips

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