Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Ride a Skateboard - The Best Step By Step Guide on How to Ride a Skateboard For Beginners

Here, I am going to teach you one of the most basic yet very important skill - How to Ride a Skateboard!

If you're new to skateboarding, and you are kind of intimated looking at the different tricks the kids in your neighborhood streets are doing, don't fret. I am going to literally hold your hands and guide you step-by-step and show you how to ride a skateboard.

Beginner Trick Skateboard

Before we start, make sure you got these items handy:

How to Ride a Skateboard - The Best Step By Step Guide on How to Ride a Skateboard For Beginners

Skateboard (of course!) Skateboard shoe Skateboard helmet Skateboard pads

Now, get this article printed out and head to the park nearby your house if there is one, or just go to the open carpark somewhere. Calm your mind and relax your body, remember that the most important thing is that you must just enjoy the ride!

Now, place your front foot at the front of the skateboard and with your back foot, push off the skateboard until it starts rolling. Once it is rolling you can put your back foot on the board and ride on. When the board slows down, use your back foot to push it again.

To make a turn, you can simply lean towards the direction that you want to turn and this will turn you smoothly but not immediately. If you want to make a quick turn, balance on your rear wheels and turn the front wheels quickly towards the direction. The first type of turn is usually when you are going downhill and the latter is when you are riding in a flat surface.

The next skill that you must know to ride a skateboard is to brake or stop. Use your back foot to brake, just drag your back foot on the ground and it will decrease the speed and eventually stop. You really need to know how to footbreak before attempting any downhill skateboarding.

Once you are fine with the footbraking, try heel dragging - a common braking way for experienced skateboarders. Place your back foot (the heel to be exact) over the rear end of your skateboard and slightly lean back before stepping down your back foot. Your heel will touch the ground and drag a couple of meters before stopping completely. Make sure your front foot is still on the board, to hold and balance the skateboard. So now i suppose you understand why it is called heel dragging!

Well if you are just starting to skateboard, the next idea to stop your skateboard is probably the simplest. Just jump off! And let the skateboard overshoot or crash. It's better than you crashing over something, but this shouldn't become the default way how you stop the skateboard. It can be pretty embarrassing i agree!

There is yet another way to stop your skateboard; the powerslides. It looks cool in video games but I rather keep it that way..

So there you go; I taught you how to ride a skateboard - cruising, turning and stopping. Sounds simple? Now, grab your skateboard and head to the park. The best way to learn is to try it out yourself!

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How to Ride a Skateboard - The Best Step By Step Guide on How to Ride a Skateboard For Beginners

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