Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to Ollie

If you are serious about skateboarding you need to know how to ollie. A beginners guide will help you achieve your goal quicker and more safely. An ollie is primarily the basis of most airborne skateboard tricks, for example to kickflip you first need to ollie. First off you are going to need a skateboard it is much better to have your own as they all have a different feel to them. Helmet and pads are a good idea too if you want to protect yourself. skater shoes play a crucial part in any skateboarding trick, make sure you get the right ones. If you have only just got your board get a good feel for it, practice crouching when you are rolling. When you feel ready go for the ollie.

You can learn to ollie from a stationary or rolling position whichever suits you, if you are stationary grass is a good place for keeping your board still. The first thing you need to do is place your back foot on the tail of your board and your front foot in the middle towards the bolts, all of this is done on the balls of your feet. Next you want to crouch down and bringing your front foot up with the board slam down on the back edge of the tail with your back foot. Just as the tail pops (hit's the ground) you need to jump up with that back foot bringing both your knees up to your chest, as you do this you should be sliding the outside of your front foot forwards along the board. This will keep the board with you and give you more control.

Beginner Trick Skateboard

Of course you also need to know how to land. This may take a little bit of getting used to, but it will be well worth it. When you are airborne you need to adjust your feet and put them over the relevant bolts, facing the front edge, this is extremely important as it will help to keep you balanced and will stop you snapping your board. You also need to level up those feet. Next you assume the crouched position again, this is also important as it will help to absorb the shock of landing, in turn preventing injury to your knees, ankles, feet and back etc. the lower you crouch and the higher you bring those knees up will determine how high your ollie is.

How to Ollie

The hard part is to put all of this into one complete movement, so timing is everything. You may pick it up quickly it may take some time, stick with it and practice.

So there you go crouch, slam down, jump up moving forward on the front foot and hey presto you have done an ollie. It really is that simple it just takes timing, the whole thing is done as one move. Stick with it and you will be able to go on to bigger and better skateboarding tricks. I hope you have found this how to ollie article useful and you have many happy hours of shredding with your mates.

How to Ollie

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