Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to Make an Ollie on a Skateboard

The most basic trick for skateboarding is the Ollie - the classic way to make your skateboard pop off the concrete into a jump, taking you up into the air. To beginners, the Ollie (named after an old-school skateboarder with the same nickname) can seem like a weird and challenging move to learn. As with most other skateboard tricks, all it takes is practice. This guide will show you the basics off the move.

First of all: It is easier to learn to ollie while standing still. But make sure that you vary your training, since you will have to make the same motions while rolling later on.

Beginner Trick Skateboard

1) Put your feet in your riding position, left foot front if you are riding regular, right foot front if you have a goofy stance. You should be standing on the back of the board

How to Make an Ollie on a Skateboard

2) Make sure your weight is even on the board.

3) Now quickly put your weight on your back foot to make your board pop.

4) The trick is to slide your front foot upwards and forwards right as you begin pressing your back foot down.

5) While sliding your front foot, make your body weight centered again, to even out your stance in the air.

6) Keep centered and focused while going with the motion to land your ollie.

7) Ride away smoothly and be cool (or just stand there looking cool if you were practicing while standing still).

That is it! Sounds difficult? Well, after figuring the ollie out, the move will be part of your muscle memory so that you can do it whenever you like. There really is no secret to learning the ollie, like any other skateboard trick you have to practice over and over again.

Good luck and remember that  skateboarding is all about practice, like any other sport!

How to Make an Ollie on a Skateboard

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