Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How Do You Skateboard

As a skateboard blogger and teacher, I have come to realize that one of the most commonly requested questions I come across does not necessarily revolve around one or two tricks in particular, but rather for new and beginning skateboarders, many want to know simply, "How do you skateboard?"

So here it is. If you just bought your very very first skateboard and have not ever skateboarded before in your whole life, here are some skateboarding tips for beginners.

Beginner Trick Skateboard

Well, step one is to go ahead and get on the skateboard. Stand on it. One foot should be placed on the tail and the other foot should be placed just behind the front truck bolts. Ah, but which foot does each foot go, as in right or left? There are two ways to go about it, and neither is right or wrong. Most skateboarders use regular stance, which is right foot on the tail and the left foot in front. The others are called "goofy footed", and place the left on the tail and the right in front. When you push off, or kick, to make the board go, use your back foot. Try both ways, and one should automatically feel more comfortable for you, and that is what you should go with. Normally you back foot, or pushoff foot, is your stronger foot, or the one you would probably kick a ball with if you were playing kickball or soccer. I used to think that left handed people were goofy footed, but that is actually not the case at all.

How Do You Skateboard

I would highly recommend that you start out slowly, and just roll around a bit. Don't just jump on the board and speed away. Make sure to keep your balance centered on the board. Do not lean forward or back, as that will send your board flying out from underneath you, and you will land flat on your face or back.

To turn, there are two ways. If your trucks are fairly loose, all you have to do is lean to the left or right, and your board will follow. This is also better for broad turns, and you won't be able to make sharp 90 degree turns, such as a sidewalk on a street corner, this way. The other way to turn is to lean back on the tail of the board, lifting the front wheels off the ground, and pivoting to the left or the right. This is the only way to turn if you have tight trucks, and you can also make sharp turns using this method too.

To stop, there are also a couple of ways to do this. Keep in mind that making sudden stops on a skateboard when at top speed is very difficult, and it is advisable to allow yourself time to slow down before attempting to stop. The first way is to lean back on the tail until it hits the ground and slides and scrapes on the ground. This acts as a brake, and it slows down the board until it comes to a stop. This wears down the tail of your board pretty fast, though. The other way, and I only advise you to do this if you have slowed way down, is to put one foot down just as you would if you were pushing off, but let it slide on the ground acting as a brake, or taking quick stopping taps on the ground until you come to a stop.

That's it. That's how you skateboard. Now just go for a ride. Take it easy, go slow, and get comfortable with it. Once you are an ace at riding around, it is time to learn some tricks!

How Do You Skateboard

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