Monday, August 13, 2012

Different Skills and Exercises in Snowboarding

Balance and Stance

The most important point of the skill is how to keep body balance. When the rider is already aware of her or his balance, she or he may do several tricks through movements of the balance. Skills of the riders can be improved by making some exercises such as leaping between every turn and switch riding.

Beginner Trick Skateboard


Different Skills and Exercises in Snowboarding

It is an ability that a talented snowboarder must possess in maintaining control in going down the slopes. There are different ways in coming to a perfect stop. A snowboarder can put force down on the side edge of his or her toe, concentrating the load inside the board's back portion. This will basically direct the board into the right. If the rider continues to put force on the toe side, he or she becomes perpendicular in the track and comes to an end. Another means in slowing down and stopping is to put force on the side edge of the heel, which will direct the board in going at the left and will slow down naturally. This will also enable the board to become perpendicular to track.


In creating the edge, the ankles, knees and hips can be used by riders. The key point in edging is to keep the body balance in the tip of the snowboard. More speed can be created by riders by riding at the edge of the board. Riders may also make some carving turns if they have learned to maintain their balanced body at he edge. Exercises for edging skill are rail-to-rail, static edge change work out and J-turn. It is also called carving.

Timing and Coordination

Coordination and timing is about change in tempo of performance. If someone is good in this skill, he or she is very certain in performing any forms of turns by coordinating the movement of the body in proper timing. Exercises for the skill are tornado turns, top gun spin and counting centered on symmetry.

Pressure Control

More firm riding can be performed if the riders when snowboarders are good in pressure control. This ability is necessary when the riders are at the rough slope or in different terrains. By extending the body or by flexing, a rider may absorb or put in to the force of the snowboard, controlling the speed. The pressure of the board can be controlled by advanced rider by using the lower portions of the body. Exercises for the skill are fall line stops, and little straight air.


Snowboard producers have developed boards purposely targeted to riders who are beginners. Burton's "Learn to Ride" program, gives ski schools with specifically tailored gears and training to make a semi-standardized scheme of instructions. Some procedures used in improving snowboarding skills include online instruction, videos, watching some experienced riders and off season instructions by skateboarding. The best form of training is practice, and having persistence which enable the snowboarders to have safety and comfortable riding.

Different Skills and Exercises in Snowboarding

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