Thursday, August 16, 2012

Building Your Own Skateboard Decks

There are many who are new to the sport, and in order to get the feel of the sport, they buy expensive skateboard decks. This is not necessary, as with the right knowledge and materials, a beginner can build a board that will leave professional boards way behind.

While building your skateboard you should have a clear idea of the parts of the skateboard. For those who are new here is a list of the parts that make up skateboard decks:

Beginner Trick Skateboard

• The decks
• The wheels
• Truck
• Bolts

Building Your Own Skateboard Decks

The deck is the most important part of the board as it is the place where you will be standing while using the board. The skate deck size depends on the stability that you want while skateboarding. The longer the board the better the balance will be achieved by you. The deck can be decorated making use of paints and stencils, you can visit the internet to download some cool stencils that you can use while touching up your skateboarding board.

The truck assembly is what every skateboard deck requires. This is necessary as without this mechanism one will not be able to use the board. It is the basic axle mechanism of the board. Truck assemblies come in different lengths and you need to find one that fits your board. The wheel sizes as also the textures need to be taken into account. Big wheels increase the speed of the board while small wheels help the boarder plan out his/her tricks in a better manner. On the whole, the truck assembly and wheel selection play a vital role in the overall performance of the board.

Building Your Own Skateboard Decks

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