Wednesday, August 15, 2012

3 Crucial Tips To Learn How To Skateboard - For Beginners

Learning how to skateboard for beginners can be very challenging and will eventually discourage most people from continuing their training. As difficult as it may seem however, every single pro skater that you see on television flying through the air like they have wings and doing some ridiculous tricks like they were born to skateboard, has been through their fair share of falls and scrapes.

What those people have is determination and they made their mind up that no matter how many times they fall, they were going to get right back up. Well today I'm going to share 3 very important tips that everyone that wants to learn how to skateboard should know.

Beginner Trick Skateboard

Tip #1
The first thing you should do before even getting on a skateboard is buy yourself a good pair of skateboarding shoes. You may think that you can just overlook this and skate in regular shoes but skateboarding shoes are specially designed with broad flat bottoms that help you get better grip on the board. In addition, they are usually well padded and reinforced in areas that are likely to be quickly worn when skateboarding.

3 Crucial Tips To Learn How To Skateboard - For Beginners

Tip #2
Another very important part of your skateboarding attire is a good helmet. You may think that you look goofy and may see that many skaters don't wear helmets but falling of a skateboard at some time or another is inevitable for beginners so it only makes sense to protect the most important part of your body. Concussions are no fun and there is also permanent damage that can be done with the right fall and no helmet.

Tip #3
Other protective gear such as wrist pads, elbow pads and knee pads are not only protective but can also speed up the learning process. You may think that there is no permanent damage that can be done with out those protective guards but one thing to consider is that when you have those guards on, you wont be terrified of falling so you'll advance much faster with your skateboarding progress.

These tips are a good starting point for anyone that is considering learning how to skateboard. If you would like more detailed tutorials on learning how to skateboard for beginners, click the link below.

3 Crucial Tips To Learn How To Skateboard - For Beginners

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