Friday, August 10, 2012

How to Do Skateboard Tricks For Beginners - 3 Tips to Help You Land Every Trick You Try

Without a doubt, tricks are very important to skateboarding. In fact, the main reason people get involved with skateboarding is to continually get better and perfect more moves. I can tell you from experience that there is no better feeling than landing a new trick successfully for the first time.

If you want to begin landing tricks successfully you have to get used to riding your board. Learn how to get comfortable with the basics like pushing, standing, stopping, and turning. Choose your stance wisely, because it is going to be important to how quick and well you learn new tricks. Once you have a good grasp of the basics it's time to put everything together and do some tricks.

Beginner Trick Skateboard

How To Do Skateboard Tricks For Beginners:

How to Do Skateboard Tricks For Beginners - 3 Tips to Help You Land Every Trick You Try

1. Be One With Your Board: Think about how your board will move when you perform the trick. Think about the stance you will need to properly land the trick and move with your board not against it.

2. Evaluate Yourself: When you first begin performing tricks you are going to learn most of them within a few tries. Evaluate how you and your board compared to how the trick is supposed work. Keep evaluating what your doing wrong and keep trying.

3. Keep At It: The only way your going to learn how to do tricks on your board is through practice, dedication, and persistence. Keep at it, there is no trick your going to learn on the first try. Even if you landed it perfectly on the first try you probably lucked up.

There are more than a few tricks out there to learn. So don't focus on just one trick or it will frustrate you. Yes you can keep practicing one trick until you master it but you will be better off mastering a number of good tricks instead.

How to Do Skateboard Tricks For Beginners - 3 Tips to Help You Land Every Trick You Try

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